

your space

A free self-inventory tool to deepen the practice of the work we are doing to create an inclusive society.


Journal prompts

After listening to the Dialogue in-depth, answer these journal prompts or write down anything that comes up.

What came up dor you when you were reminded of feeling inferior to others?

Write down the wisdom that was shared with you?

What is your added value and inherent cultural worth according to your ancestors?

What did your wise self share with you about your worth?

How were you taking back control in the situation?

Did you say no, put up a healthy boundary?

What subjects are you speaking of when you speak your truth?

How do you normally dim your natural self?

Dear Self,

Reclaim your space. This time calls for action over stories and for self care. Let me inspire you to redefine what it means to be a person of color. I am sharing a free meditation for POC, to take inventory of your beliefs and hold emotional space and compassion for your self. These times ask for extra restorative practices and hopeful inner dialogues. This tool is inspired by my own limiting beliefs and internalized feelings of inferiority that stem from my cultural ethnicity and the disadvantages that came with it. Let me inspire you to stretch your activism into the comfort and privacy of your home.

A guided meditation and journal to deepen the conversation with self. One dialogue in-depth to heal wounds of feeling inferior towards others or when you have trouble believing you deserve something because of the color of your skin.  And please use it freely how ever often you’d like, share it with your community and feel free to contact me if you’d want to have a direct dialogue with me. If you want to know more about the work I’m doing or why. 

Please note with using this tool emotions may rise, make sure you permit yourself to take self care, to restore, drink water and have a self care routine in play. This is not a replacement for therapy. It is a tool to uncover wounds and heal them to benefit your daily life. One that will bring more confidence and self compassion as you are breaking new ground.

All my Love,

Daphny Griffioen